Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 2/28/24

Year: 2024


The Gazi Journal of Economics and Business (GJEB) aims to contribute to science by publishing scientific and academic studies in the field of economics and business, and to ensure that these publications can be shared as open access internationally.

The Gazi Journal of Economics and Business publishes research papers, review papers, collected works, reviews essays, theoretical papers etc. which deal with contemporary problems from a scientific point of view and offer solutions for related problems in the field of business and economics. 

1. Files to be Uploaded to the System
The author who will carry out the article submission process will be recognized as the corresponding author.
The manuscript should be uploaded to the system, as a Microsoft Word file and all supplementary materials such as attachments should be added to the article file. In addition, the name and surname, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the authors, and the short CV information of the authors must be uploaded to the system in a separate Microsoft Word file. The plagiarism report and, if necessary, the ethics committee reports should be uploaded to the system as an additional file. When uploading files to the system, no additions such as article name (title), author name, date, number should be written as the file name. The files to be uploaded to the system during the manuscript submission process and the rules for naming the files are described below:
1.1. Manuscript File
The manuscript must be uploaded to the system in Microsoft Word format. When uploading the article file to the system, only the phrase "Original Manuscript File" should be written in the file name section. An ID number is given automatically and manuscript tracking is done with this number.
1.2. Resume File
A curriculum vitae containing the authors' short biography, contact information and telephone number must be uploaded to the system. When uploading the CV file to the system, the phrase "Short CV File" should be written in the file name section. You can upload the resume file as an additional file to the system.
1.3. Plagiarism Report File
The manuscript that will be uploaded to the system by the author(s) must be checked for plagiarism (similarity) through iThenticate, Turnitin or plagiarism.com plagiarism check programs. The similarity rate in the report obtained as a result of the plagiarism check should be 20% and below.
When uploading the plagiarism report file to the system, the phrase " Plagiarism Report" should be written in the file name section. You can upload the plagiarism (similarity) report file to the system as an additional file.
1.4. Ethics Committee Permission File
For researches requiring an ethics committee decision, ethics committee approval (permission) must be obtained and the ethical committee approval must be specified and documented in the manuscript. For studies that require ethics committee approval, the document showing approval must be uploaded to the system. In addition, information about the consent (name of the ethics committee, number (number of the approval document) and date) should be specified in the method section of the article.
When uploading the ethics committee permission file to the system, "Ethics Committee Permission" should be written in the file name section. You can upload the ethics committee permission file as an additional file to the system.

2. Writing Guidelines
The manuscripts to be submitted to the journal should be arranged according to the writing rules stated below.
2.1. Page Structure
Margins of the manuscripts are left, right, top and bottom 2.5 cm; gutter (0) and gutter location left; header 1.9 cm and footer 1.7 cm; should be set in A4 page size and vertically. Including appendices and bibliography, submitted manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages.
2.2. Page Numbers
The page numbers should be placed at the bottom of the page and at the bottom right corner, using natural numbers (1,2,3,4… etc) starting from the main text.
2.3. Title of the Manuscript
The title should be written in Times New Roman font with 14 font size, bold font and justified. Only the first word of the title and proper names should be capitalized, and other words should be lowercase. The example title is shown below.
Example: Türkiye’de kamu yönetiminde verimlilik algısı: Milli Emlak Genel Müdürlüğü uygulamalarında verimlilik analizi örneği

If the manuscript is derived from a previous study, a footnote should be added to the title, and the place, time and institution information should be given. The footnote to be added should be written using Times New Roman font and 10 point font size.
For Turkish manuscript, the English manuscript title should be written, and for English manuscript, the Turkish manuscript title should be written.
2.4. Author Names
The name and surname of the author should be written below the title. If there is more than one author, the name and surname of the first author should be written and the other authors' names and surnames should be written sequentially, using commas. The first letters of the name (s) and surname (s) of the author (s) must be capital, the other letters must be lowercase. The corresponding author is the author who will follow the process of submitting the article to the journal, communicate with the journal, ensure that the corrections related to the article are fulfilled, and sign the publication contract on behalf of all authors during the publication phase. The corresponding author is not necessarily required to be the first-listed author.
2.5. Author Information
Author(s)’s title, institution (name of the university, faculty / institute, department / public or private institution name), address (full address, city, postal code, country), e-mail (e-mail) address and ORCID ID (ORCID ID: https: //orcid.org / ...........) information should be specified below the names of the authors.
2.6. Manuscript Type
Below the author information, the manuscript type (Research, Collective Work, Investigative essay, Theoretical Manuscript, etc.) should be specified.
2.7. Abstract and Keywords
At the beginning of the manuscript, there should be a Turkish abstract with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 250 words, that expresses the subject of the article briefly and concisely. The title should be written as "Abstract". If the manuscript is written in Turkish, first a summary, then an English abstract; if the manuscript is written in English, then an abstract in English should be written first.
In the "abstract", the source or citation should not be indicated; the aim and method of the study, the sample / subject / study group, the tool / tools used, important findings and important results should be mentioned. The abstract should be written in Times New Roman font, 11 pt., Single-spaced, single-spaced, and one paragraph without paragraphing.
Below the abstract, appropriate and short keywords covering the main topics of the article should be included. The number of keywords should be at least three and at most five. They should be separated by commas. Keywords should be written in Times New Roman font, 11 pt., Single-spaced, not Italic, and first letter of them should be uppercase.
2.8. English Title
After the Turkish abstract, the English title should be written, which is compatible with the Turkish title and without errors. The title in English should be written in Times New Roman font with 14 pt., Bold, straight, justified, single line spacing and the initial letter of each word should be lowercase. Only the first word of the English title and proper names should be capitalized, and the first letter of other words should be lowercase.
2.9. English Abstract
Below the title in English, there should be an English abstract that is compatible with the Turkish abstract. The English abstract should be meaningful, adequate and accurate grammatically. The English abstract should be written in Times New Roman font with 11 font size, single line spacing, 6nk spacing before and after the paragraph.
2.10. English Keywords
The English abstract should contain appropriate and short keywords covering the main topics of the article. The number of keywords should be at least three and at most five. They should be separated by commas. English keywords should be compatible with Turkish keywords and be accurate. English keywords should be written in Times New Roman font, 11 pt., Single-spaced, single-spaced, and capital letter of each word.
2.11. Headings and Subheadings
The first heading should be “1. Introduction” and the final main heading should be “…Conclusion”.
Only the first letter of the first word in the main Headings and Subheadings should be written in capital letters, and the first letters of other words, excluding proper names, should be written in lowercase.
Main headings should be written in 11 pt. bold and subtitles should be written in 11 pt.
Headings and subheadings are shown below:
1. Introduction
2. Second main heading (initial of the first word are capital, other words' initials are lowercase, bold and 11 pt.)
2.1. First degree subtitle (initial letter of the first word is capital, other words’ initial letter is lowercase, straight and 11 pt.)
2.2. Secondary subtitle
2.1.2. ……………………………
2.2. …………………………………
3. Third main heading
4. Fourth main heading
5. Conclusion

2.12. Structure of the Text
The Manuscripts should be written using Microsoft Word, with Times New Roman character, 11 pt., single line spacing and 6nk spacing before and after paragraph. Within the text of the article, the paragraphs are created as "justified text" and the paragraphs are started from inside a tab (1,25cm). All Latin terms, regardless of frequency of use, must be in italics. The footnote to be included in the text should be written in Times New Roman font, 10 point font size and single line spacing.
2.13. Equations and Numbers
Equations and / or formulas to be used should be numbered as (1), (2), (3) ......., to the right of the equation and / or formula. References to equations and / or formulas should be made with the equation and / or formula number. Formulas or equations should be written in "Math Type". All variables and statistical tests (such as t-statistic, t = 4.68, F-statistic) should be displayed in italics. Numbers from one to nine should be indicated in text, 10 and progressive numbers should be indicated by numbers, excluding millions and those at the beginning of the sentence. In large numbers, starting from the last digit of the number, no commas or periods should be put between groups of three, but a space should be left (such as 50 000).
2.14. Tables, Figures and Graphics
Tables, figures and graphics should be in the places where they should be in the text. Tables, figures and graphics should be created justified to the text boundaries and should not go beyond the text boundaries. Tables, figures and graphics should be numbered consecutively in the text. The name of the table should be written above the table, and the name of the figure and graphic should be written under the figure and graphic.
Tables should be independent and complete so as not to repeat the information given in the text exactly. Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns, horizontal lines should only be used to separate table parts, not each row. Column headings should be short, in brackets, and abbreviations should be included in the explanations. Use ∗ , ∗∗ , ∗∗∗ as explanation symbols, respectively. The table number should be on the top line and the table name in the bottom line, in 11 pt., Plain, and the first word of the table name and the initials of the proper names in the table name should be capitalized, and the initials of other words should be lower. Sources should be shown under the table. 

All pictures (photographs and drawings) should be classified as figures. Figures should be presented consecutively with numbers and numbered in the text. Figure number, figure name and sourcen information should be shown below the figure. The first word of the name of the figure and the initials of the proper names in the name of the figure must be capital, the initials of other words must be lowercase, 11 points and plain. The same rule applies to graphics. References should be shown below figures and graphics.

2.15. In-Text References (Citations)
APA (American Psychological Association) reference style should be used in citation and reference. Citations should be shown in the text, not in the form of footnotes. Citations should be given in parentheses and APA 6 rules should be observed when citing.
If the cited work is to be cited exactly or to a specific page, the page number must be specified. However, if a reference is made to the whole work, there is no need to specify a page number. If a specific page is to be cited; when citing works with a single author, the author's surname, the year the paper was published, and the page number of the reference (Bhimani, 2011, p.189); When citing works with two authors, the surname, publication year and page number of the two authors (Bhimani and Horngren 2011, p. 189); In references to works with three or more authors, the first author's surname, publication year and page number should be given (Bhimani et al., 2011, pp.189-190). Some examples of referencing in the text are as follows.
Book and Paper
Reference to a specified page: (Bhimani ve Horngren, 2011, s. 189).
Reference to a specified page: (Bhimani ve Horngren, 2011, ss. 189-190).
One author: (Lewis, 2020, p. 9).
Two authors: (Hosmer and Lemeshow, 2000, pp. 37-38).
Three or more authors: (Bernardo et al., 2010, p. 14).
Websites: (OSYM, 2014) or (Sobel, 2001).
Standards and Legal Regulations: (IAS1.1), (VUK 273.2).
Note: You can use the link http://www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf for citation rules according to APA 6.
2.16. Footnotes
Explanations that will not be specified in the text should be written in the form of a footnote, by giving the superscript and sequence number to the upper right corner of the end of the relevant word or word in the text. Footnotes should be written in Times New Roman font, 9 font size and single line spacing. Footnotes should not contain formulas or tables.
2.17. Appendix
Appendix should be before the Bibliography and references in the text to the relevant appendix should be made in the form of "Annex Table 1, Annex Figure 1 or Annex Graphic 5".
2.18. References
Bibliography should be arranged according to APA 6 rules. Every reference cited in the text of the manuscript should be shown in the bibliography, and every source in the bibliography should be cited in the text.
• The references that do not fit in one line in the bibliography should continue below the fourth letter of the first line.
• The first word of the source name and the initials of proper names should be written in capital letters, and the first letters of other words should be in lowercase. In other words, the first letters of the words in the titles of the work should not be capital.
• If the manuscript is written in English, the conjunction "and" should be used regardless if the source is in English or Turkish .
• References should be written in 10 pt font size, 6 nk before and after paragraphs and single line spacing, hanging, and references should not be numbered. References should be listed alphabetically.
Examples about references:
Author's Last Name (lowercase), Only the first letter of the author's name. (Year of Publication). Title / Book (italics) (number of prints (italics)). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Kalaycı, Ş. (2014). SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri (6. baskı). Ankara: Asil Yayınları

Kavuncubaşı, Ş. ve Yıldırım, S. (2012). Hastane ve sağlık kurumları yönetimi (3. baskı). Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
Bhimani, A., Horngren, C. T. and Datar, S. M. (2011). Management and cost accounting (5th ed.). Harlow, England: Financial Times/Prentice Hall.

Author's Last Name (lowercase), The first letter of the author's name. (Year of Publication). Title of the article (first letters of the words in lower case, except proper names). Journal Name (italic), volume (italic) (number no in brackets), page range.
The words s., Ss., Vol., Vol., Number, issue, will not be written and these will only be indicated with numbers.
Regardless of local and foreign sources, instead of "&", "and" will be used in English articles.
Tan, T. (2002). Bağımsız idari otoriteler veya düzenleyici kurullar. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 35(2), 11-37.
Yakut, E. ve Elmas, B. (2013). İşletmelerin finansal başarısızlığının Veri Madenciliği ve Diskriminant Analizi modelleri ile tahmin edilmesi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(1), 237-254.
Lai, Z.K. and Jing, L.J. (2010). Studies of Discriminant Analysis and Logistic Regression model application in credit risk for China’s listed companies. Management Science and Engineering, 4(4), 24-32.
Ruzita, J., Azhar, R. and Hasan, H.A. (2012). Performance measurement practices of public sectors in Malaysia. Journal of Global Strategic Management, 6(1), 42-56.
Hamada, T., Nakamura, Y. and Tamagaki, R. (1965). Modification of Hamada-Johnston potential. Progress of Theoretical Physics, 33(4), 769–770.
If the information or resource accessed from a certain web address will not change over time, that is, if it is not updated, no date should be given, only the access address should be given. For example, for an article published in a web-based journal, no access date is required, only the address is required. If there is no Doi number, the access address should be written without specifying the date. If there is a Doi number, there is no need to enter an access address.
ÖSYM, (2017, 7 Şubat). Erişim adresi: http://dokuman.osym.gov.tr/pdfdokuman/2014/OSYS/Tercih/2014.
Sobel, R. S. (2001). Entrepreneurship. Erişim, 7 Şubat 2017, http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/Entrepreneurship.html.
Çalmaşur, G. ve Demir, O. (2020). Bilgi ekonomisinin ekonomik büyüme üzerine etkilerinin Panel Veri Yöntemi ile analizi. Gazi İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 6(2), 101-120. Erişim adresi: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/1147706
Çalmaşur, G. ve Demir, O. (2020). Bilgi ekonomisinin ekonomik büyüme üzerine etkilerinin Panel Veri Yöntemi ile analizi. Gazi İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 6(2), 101-120. Doi: https://doi.org/10.30855/gjeb.2020.6.2.001

Standards and Legal Regulations:
Standard Name (Year). Access Date, Access Adress.
Legal Regulations (Year). Number. Access Date, Access Adress.
IAS 1 (2014). Erişim, 7 Şubat 2017, from http://www.ifrs.org/IFRSs/Documents/Technical-summaries-2014/IAS%201.pdf.
Institution Name (Year). Number. Access/Publication Date. Resmi Gazete Sayısı/Erişim adresi
Vergi Usul Kanunu (1961). 213. Tarih: 10.1.1961 Sayı: 10703 – 10705
Vergi Usul Kanunu (1961). 213. Tarih: 10.1.1961 Sayı: 10703 – 10705
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1725/2003. (2003). Erişim 7 Şubat 2017, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legalcontent/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32003R1725&qid=1486454592270&from=en
Publications of Institutions
Institution’s Name (Date). Publication(Report) Name (Italic). Publication place
T.C. Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı (2011). KOBİ Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı 2011-2013. Ankara.
T.C. Ekonomi Bakanlığı (2017). Uluslararası Doğrudan Yatırım Verileri Bülteni. Erişim, http://www.economy.gov.tr/portal/content/conn/UCM/uuid/dDocName:EK-235619

Author's Last Name, the first letter of the author's name (uppercase). (Date). Name of the thesis (italic). Access address.
Author's Last Name, the first letter of the author's name. Name of the doctoral or master's thesis (in italics) (Unpublished doctoral thesis / master's thesis). Institution name, Location information.
Young, A. E. (2013). On trying to make investment responsible: an analysis of integrating environmental, social, and corporate governance issues into institutional investment processes. Retrieved from: https://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/handle/2123/9793

Tarcan, M. (2006). Hastanelerde finansal performansı etkileyen etmenlerin belirlenmesi: Sağlık Bakanlığı hastanelerinde çok değişkenli bir analiz (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.

Note: You can use the link http://www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf for bibliography rules according to APA 6. You can access the writing template in APA 6 style from the link below. https://templates.office.com/tr-tr/apa-stilinde-rapor-6-s%C3%BCr%C3%BCm-tm03982351

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Gazi Journal of Economics and Business

Gazi Journal of Economics and Business follows “Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing” proposed by COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics and DOAJ. The journal complies with rules and standards about the “Publication Ethics”, “Research Ethics” and “Legal/Private License”.
Being an open access and free of charge journal, Gazi Journal of Economics and Business demands no fee from authors during the submission, review or publication. After publication of the papers, full texts can be accessed without any restriction and free of charge on the website.
The authors are required to read the principles and policies of publication prepared based on international standards, and author guidelines before submission. With the submission, the author accepts the principles and rules of the journal.

1. Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
• Being accepted for consideration by the Editorial Board does not guarantee publication. Even though the paper gets acceptance after the review process, the Editorial Board decides on if the paper will be published or not, and on which issue the paper will be published.
• The Editorial Board only considers the quality of the work and never discriminates based on age, race, gender, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, political view and social class.
• The Editorial Board takes seriously the allegations about plagiarism and exploitation. If the author fails to follow the ethical codes, the Editorial Board has full right to take action based on Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of the Editorial Board.
• The Editorial Board requires the papers not to be published in or under consideration for publication by any other journal.
• The Editorial Board guarantees the secrecy and privacy of all the work submitted by the author and all communications with the referees unless another agreement exists with the author and referee.

2. Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Authors
• The authors can submit their original and scientific studies. The authors are required to contribute to the study.
• The papers are required not to be published in or under consideration for publication by any other journal.
• The authors can withdraw the paper before the peer-review process. During the review process, withdrawal is not possible.
• The author should declare ant kind of conflict of interest.
• The author should write all the studies cited in the text. The author is responsible for the originality of the study and for proving the originality of the study.
• The author should declare that the study is original and complies with the ethical codes regarding, copy rights of another person or institution, plagiarism, falsification, distortion, duplicate publication, salami slicing, unfair authorship and other ethical codes.
• All authors are equally responsible for the study.
• Corresponding author should declare that all the authors agree with the submission of the paper. All the authors who have contributed the study should be named.
• The authors are required to give access to data upon request.
• The authors should have the research/analysis license and document which allows for the usage of data. The documents and data should be kept for 5 years.
The Editorial Board assumes that the authors agree with the rules above mentioned. The studies should comply with the scientific research and publication ethics codes. The Council of Higher Education in Turkey defines the misconducts in scientific research and publication in Article 4:
• Plagiarism: Showing someone else’s ideas, methods, data and studies as your own without proper citation.
• Falsification: Using non-existent or distorted data
• Distortion: Distorting research records or data; declaring that you use tools or materials which have not been actually used in the study; distorting the research results to serve the interests of the supporting people or institutions.
• Duplicate publication: Presenting duplicated research as a separate study in academic promotions.
• Salami slicing: Splitting the research results by distorting the completeness of the study and inappropriately and publishing separately. Presenting such studies in academic promotions.
• Unfair Authorship: Including authors who have not contributed to the study or excluding authors who have contributed to the study; invalid and inappropriate change of the order of authors; excluding authors who have contributed to the study in the later editions; including authors who have not contributed to the study because of his/her reputation.
The other misconducts are;
• Not presenting the names of the people or institutions which have supported the study.
• Using thesis, which has not been published or defended successfully, as reference without the permission of the author.
• Not following the ethical codes while studying on humans and animals; not respecting patient rights in publications.
• Not complying with the regulation in biomedical or clinical research on humans.
• Sharing the information contained in a work, that has been assigned to review, with others before it is published without the explicit permission of the owner of the work.
• Misusing the resources, spaces, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research.
• Make unfounded, unwarranted and deliberate allegations of ethical violations
• Publishing the data obtained in a questionnaire and attitude research conducted within the scope of a scientific study without the express consent of the participants or if the research will be conducted in an institution, also without the permission of the institution.
• Harming animal health and ecological balance in research and experiments
• Failing to obtain written permissions from authorized units in research and experiments before starting work.
• Doing research and experiments against the legislation or the provisions of international conventions which Turkey is a party on related research and experiments
• Failing to comply with the obligation to inform and warn those concerned about possible harmful practices related to scientific research conducted by researchers and authorities.
• Not using data and information obtained from other persons and institutions in scientific studies to the extent and as permitted, not respecting the confidentiality of this information and not ensuring its protection.

3. Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Referees
• Gazi Journal of Economics and Business adopts the principle of double-blind peer review in the evaluation process of the papers. Reviewers cannot see the name of the author, nor can the authors see the referee name. Reviewers and authors should not communicate directly with each other.
• Referees should only agree to evaluate studies related to their field of expertise.
• Referees should keep the articles they receive confidential and should not use the information obtained from the refereeing process for their personal benefit or share them with others. He / she should evaluate in an impartial and confidential way, using academic language.
• Referees should not make personal criticism about the authors. He/she should make the assessment objectively only in relation to the content of the study.
• If the referees think that they are faced with conflict of interest and competition during the evaluation process, they should refuse to review the study and inform the editor of the journal.
• Referees should evaluate the manuscript in a timely manner and with ethical responsibility.
• Referees should make the assessment in a constructive and courteous language. He should not make derogatory personal comments that contain hostility, slander and insult.

4. Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
The editors and field editors of Gazi Journal of Economics and Business have the ethical duties and responsibilities proposed by Committee on Publication Ethics in “COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards referees are as follows:
• The editors determine the referees in accordance with the subject of the submission.
• The editors clearly and regularly provide referees with the information and guides they need.
• The editors encourage referees to evaluate submissions in an impartial, scientific and objective language.
• The editors try to identify potential conflicts of interest among authors and referees in advance.
• The editors encourage reviewers to comment on ethical questions and potential research misconduct of the submissions.
• The editors encourage reviewers to maintain the originality of submissions and to be alert to plagiarism.
• The editors encourage academic institutions to facilitate peer review process as part of the academia.
• The editors monitor the performance of referees and take steps to ensure high quality.
• The editors create a database of appropriate referees and constantly monitor and update the referee performances.
• The editors remove referees from the journal's database if they are disrespectful, of poor quality, or who continually submit their reviews too late.
• The editors add new referees to the database to replace referees removed for poor performance or other reasons.
• The editors use a wide variety of sources, not just personal, to identify new referees.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards authors are as follows;
• The editors make their decisions to accept or reject a submission for publication, depending on the importance, originality, clarity of the article, the validity of the study and the journal's field.
• Unless serious issues with the publication are identified, editors do not change the decision of the reviewers to accept submissions.
• New editors do not overturn their decision to publish submissions made by the previous editor, unless serious problems are identified.
• The journal has a mechanism by which authors can object to editorial decisions.
• The editors provide guidance to the authors on everything expected of them. "Author Guidelines" is published on our site and is updated from time to time.
• The editors make explanatory and informative notifications to the authors.
• The journal follows the principles of double-blind peer review process.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards the editorial board are as follows;
• Members of the editorial board with appropriate qualifications who can actively contribute to the development and better management of the journal are chosen.
• Editorial board members are consulted regularly to gauge their opinion on the functioning of the journal; to inform them of any changes in journal policies; and to identify future challenges.
• The editors keep all editorial board members informed about editorial policies and developments.
• The editors provide clear guidance to editorial board members about their expected functions and duties on the following issues;
o Acting as the journal's ambassador,
o Supporting and promoting the journal,
o Looking for top authors and best studies and encouraging article submissions,
o Reviewing the submissions to the journal,
o Creating commissions to write editorials, reviews and comments on articles in their field of expertise,
o Attending and contributing to editorial board meetings.

The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards journal owners and publishers are as follows;
• Mechanisms have been established to duly deal with disputes between our editors and the magazine owner / publisher.
• Regular communication is maintained with the owners and publishers of the journals.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards the editorial and referee evaluation processes are as follows;
• It is ensured that those involved in the editorial process (including themselves) receive adequate training and closely follow the latest guidelines, recommendations and evidence regarding article evaluation and journal management.
• They are provided with information about article evaluation and research on technological developments.
• The editors are obliged to implement the "double-blind peer review and evaluation process" policies in the journal publication policies. In this context, editors ensure that each work is completed in a fair, impartial and timely evaluation process.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors regarding quality assurance are as follows;
• The editors are responsible for publishing every paper published in the journal in accordance with the journal publishing policies and international standards.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors for the protection of individual data are as follows;
• Editors are obliged to ensure the protection of data regarding the subjects and visuals in the submission.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors to ensure academic integrity are as follows;
• The editors are obliged to ensure the protection of human and animal rights in the evaluated studies.
• The editors are responsible for rejecting the studies in which ethics committee approval for the subjects used in the studies is not presented and experimental research is not permitted.
• The editors are obliged to take precautions against possible abuse and misconduct. In addition to conducting a meticulous and objective investigation in determining and evaluating the complaints regarding this situation, it is also among the editor's responsibilities to share the findings on the subject.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors to ensure academic publication integrity are as follows;
• The editors ensure the quick correction of errors, inconsistencies or misleading judgments in the studies and ensure that the published articles are archived securely.
• The editors offer authors the opportunity to publish articles free of charge.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors regarding intellectual property rights are as follows;
• The editors are obliged to protect the intellectual property rights of all published articles and to defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in possible violations. In addition, editors are obliged to take the necessary measures to ensure that the content in all published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors regarding political and commercial concerns are as follows;
• Journal owner, publisher, sponsor, and any other political or commercial element does not affect the independent decision-making of the editors.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors regarding conflicts of interest are as follows;
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